I have been busy with school work and trying to remain inspired for my photo project. Words have clouded my brain in a way that I could not decipher them. 
I need a change of scenery to clear the clouds, I think.
The days have been moving so slowly - each day feels like three.
I am blessed to have a friend visiting for the next few days to help the hours go by, and to keep me inspired.  

As far as my photography goes, I have created a watermark to add to my images for the sake of the internet (somewhat visible below - moreso on my flickr). 
Also, I have joined tumblr -- However, not all of the images posted on my tumblr are mine, another reason for my watermark. You can check out my tumblr here: http://www.aspiration-inspiration-photo.tumblr.com  

I am very torn, and have been for quite some time; photography is the one way I know how to live positively. I am attending university, but a very huge part of me does not feel passionate about it in my heart. My passion lies behind the camera.

I suppose time will be the cure. 

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    Hi, I'm Kelsi

    I like to capture the moments that people encounter every day and simply walk by without a second glance. My goal is to introduce eyes to the world we are missing out on.

    Song of the Month


    October 2013