Flickr has been my go-to photo uploading site for quite some time now. I don't plan on changing this, but unless you're an avid Flickr user, it is unlikely that you would stumble upon my photostream.
In addition, I also would like to have a place to share my thoughts without necessarily having a photo to go along with it. Both writing and photography are therapeutic to me and I wanted to have the freedom to do either at any time.

As of lately, I've been struggling with wanting to think about future plans and future goals and wishing to live in the moment. To be honest, I have no idea what the future holds for me - often times, I think there is no future. I cannot picture myself to be 30 years old in a full time job setting. I want to have some sort of idea of where I'll be at this time.
However, over-thinking such an unpredictable aspect of life can only lead me to unnecessary stress.

I still don't have answers for the many questions I hold about my future, but I know that they will be answered eventually. 

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    Hi, I'm Kelsi

    I like to capture the moments that people encounter every day and simply walk by without a second glance. My goal is to introduce eyes to the world we are missing out on.

    Song of the Month


    October 2013