Change is something that we are either terrified by and reject at all costs or fascinated by and welcome eagerly. 
The seasons, a new hair cut, a new friend, a new school, a new job, a new home; change happens every day - both spontaneously and well-planned.  It happens for various reasons, sometimes they are obvious and sometimes they aren't - for good or maybe for worse.
Maybe the line between being afraid and being fascinated  isn't so clear, or maybe there is no line at all; perhaps our openness to change is all about timing. Are we more apt to welcome change when we are happy, or when we are at a low?
Sometimes change doesn't refer to one thing, sometimes we are looking for a change more extreme and more absolute. We read stories, surf the internet, and watch the people as they walk by; we tend to fill in the gaps with our own wishes, constructing our own stories and how we wish they applied to our lives - simultaneously we are constructing our ideal self.
Why does the concept of 'ideal self' feel so far away and so unattainable, much like the common dream of being able to fly? The image of who we want to be is so clear despite it's distance. Perhaps our ideal self is not something that is unattainable, but something that is constantly changing without obvious recognition - masking itself as something we can only dream of.

It is okay to fear change and it is okay to encourage its presence. Continue to read and continue to dream; the person you wish to be is not so far away.

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    Hi, I'm Kelsi

    I like to capture the moments that people encounter every day and simply walk by without a second glance. My goal is to introduce eyes to the world we are missing out on.

    Song of the Month


    October 2013